spring fruits in Germany
According to the BZfE (Bundeszentrum für Ernährung, that is, the German Federal Nutrition Center), they would only be in season and of German cultivation:
-Strawberries (May to July)
Spring vegetables in Germany
True to the BZfE categorization, in Germany we find the following vegetables in season (that is, available in the supermarket) and locally grown in the months of March, April and May:
-Mushrooms* (March, April, May)
-Chicory (March, April, May**)
-Beetroot** (March)
-White cabbage (March**, April**, May*)
-Onions** (March, April, May)
-Cucumber* (April, May)
-Butterhead lettuce (April*, May)
-Red or white curly salad Lactuca sativa var. twitch (April*, May*)
-Radishes (April*, May)
-Rhubarb (April, May) (may already be available in March* according to other calendars)
-Arugula / rocket salad (April*, May) (may already be available in March* according to other calendars)
-Asparagus (April, May)
-Spinach (April, May)
-Tomatoes* (April, May) (some calendars do not indicate it)
-Chinese cabbage* (May) (may already be available in March** and April** according to other calendars)
-Iceberg Salad* (May)
-Corn salad / Lamb's lettuce (May) (it may already be available in March* and April* according to other calendars)
-Kohlrabi* (May)
-Chard (May) (some calendars do not indicate it)
-Radish (May) (it may already be in March** and April** according to other calendars)
-Red cabbage** (May) (some calendars also indicate it for March** and April**)
-Pointed cabbage*(May)
(*) Greenhouse cultivation
(**) Previously collected and from warehouse
Other calendars also mention:
-Cauliflower (April*, May)
-Broccoli (May)
-Fennel* (May)
-Carrot (March**, April**, May*)
-Leek (March**, April, May)
-Green onion (April*, May)
-Brussels sprouts** (March)
-Black salsify** (March)
-Potatoes** (March, April, May)
-Root celery* (May)
-Pumpkin** (March)
-Bell pepper (May)
-Parsnip** (March, April)
-Savoy cabbage** (March, April, May)
-Endive* (May)
(*) Greenhouse cultivation
(**) Previously collected and from warehouse
To avoid confusion between vegetables that come from greenhouse or storage cultivation, I have highlighted those that are grown outdoors and collected directly in one of the spring months. These would be: chicory (March, April), butterhead lettuce (May), radishes (May), rhubarb (April, May), rocket salad (May), asparagus (April, May), spinach (April, May), lamb's lettuce (May), chard (May), radishes (May) , cauliflower (May), broccoli (May), leek (April, May), spring onions (May), bell pepper (May).
Some of these underlined vegetables (chicory, lamb's lettuce and leeks) were treated as "winter vegetables" in the winter capsule food section. In the case of lamb's lettuce, this comes from greenhouse cultivation in winter, but it was treated in that season given the scarce availability of leaves for raw consumption in the winter season to constitute menus.